Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Harvest

We've had an exciting weekend so far. Okay, I say that a little tongue-in-cheek, but there's something invigorating about sinking your hands into the loose, cool soil, and being part of the life cycle that begins with a tiny seed and that ends with a wonderful meal made with your fresh vegetables.

These tiny pea pods were the first "harvest" of our little garden. Anthony is certain all plants should be pinched to encourage more growth. I'm not so sure this applies to vegetables. However, I was making fresh soup and decided to pick a few of the sugar snap pea babies to give his theory a try and to give our soup some home garden goodness. I used the Italian parsley from the garden as well. The herbs in the garden bed are doing splendidly--much better than they would have done in pots on the porch.
We also planted our 10 butternut squash babies from the compost bin, an additional four strawberry plants, dahlias, a peony, stock, and blanket flower. This planting frenzy necessitated the cleaning and redefining of a planting bed and some serious weed pulling. Then, we ran out of daylight.

I have basil, lavender, and snapdragons that need planting, too, and I'm going to go against my planting by the moon to get them in the ground. Maybe they can serve as an unofficial experiment.

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